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extrapolated method中文是什么意思

用"extrapolated method"造句"extrapolated method"怎么读"extrapolated method" in a sentence


  • 外插法,外推法
  • 外推法


  • Convergence of extrapolated method for solving non - hermitian linear systems
  • Based on some rules of maneuvering targets on the sea , this paper analyses the movement character of maneuvering targets on the sea and builds the mathematics model of forecasting movement by the interpolation and extrapolate method
  • Firstly , the existing extrapolating method of stress concentration factor from measured neighboring stress or strain is reviewed briefly , then , course of gm ( 1 , 1 ) model , error source and criterion of examining precision are introduced
    文中首先对已有的应力集中外推方法作了简要概述,然后,介绍了灰色系统理论gm ( 1 , 1 )模型的建模过程、误差来源及精度检验标准。
  • The software provides six methods to its user , including kissinger method . ozawa method , freeman - carroll method , zavkovik method , extrapolate method and satava - sestak method . users can choose appropriate methods from them and use them to deal with different curing systems
    软件目前提供给用户六种各具特色的动力学处理方法,包括kissinger方法, ozawa方法, freeman - carroll方法, zavkovik方法,最佳固化工艺外推的方法和satava - sestak方法。
  • The basis of dynamics and simulation includes the iterative flyout angle algorithm to the solutions to lambert problem and battin ' s universal conic section state extrapolate method . then spacecraft ' s orbit roots , maneuver impulse and maneuver time are discussed as the following four part : first of all , the chaser ' s one orbit roots is selected as a variable to simulate its influence to the large scale orbital maneuver . the research reveals fact that the orbit roots both of chaser and target should be close to each other to achieve better maneuver and rendezvous " ability , moreover , the best orbit maneuver and rendezvous occurs when both chaser and target ' s initial phase angle are equal
用"extrapolated method"造句  
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